What seems clear at this point is that the administration blamed the Benghazi attacks on a video no one saw in order to distract public attention from the growing militance of al-Qaeda and related groups. That militance would have been of great embarrassment to a president during an election when his vice president was running around bragging bin Laden was dead and General Motors alive.
We still do not know why no attempt was made to rescue our people during the attacks since no one knew how long they would go on and why no one has been apprehended for these attacks. Those are only two of the ongoing mysteries about Benghazi. Where was the president that night? What did he and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talk about in their telephone conversation? We have heard rumors of gun running, MANPADs and on and on.
But what remains is something tragically simple. The Obama administration and related entities (State, intelligence, etc.) were willing to lie about the murder of truly heroic American citizens in order to protect their behinds and, more importantly and scandalously, win an election. And people like Candy Crowley of CNN were all too willing to help them.
This is a hundred times worse than Watergate and Monicagate, in which nobody died or was even hurt and only a dress was destroyed between them. It’s an absolute threat to the democratic principles of our republic.
So American “liberalism” and the mainstream media are now on trial, even if they don’t know it (and a few of them do). Can they face the reality of what they have wrought, investigate and purge themselves? The Republicans had to go through this with Nixon. It was hard, but they did it. Ultimately.
So we actually have a chance to win here. If you get cynical and give up now, if you natter on in the comments section of blogs about how media and the government will win in the end, I’m sorry to tell you, but you — as much as they — are the problem. Never give up. Every one of us has to stay the course on Benghazi until this gets sorted out.
Keep the media and the left on trial. Remember, even OJ didn’t get away with it in the end.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Even O.J. didn't get away with it in the end
Roger L. Simon writes,
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