Monday, May 05, 2014

Dick Morris thinks it likely that Hillary was behind the Benghazi cover-up

Dick Morris, the political advisor to Bill Clinton, is no fan of Hillary Clinton. Do any of you know why?

In today's video, Morris points out that 36 hours before the Rhodes memo, Hillary was using the same language used later by Rhodes in his now famous email to Susan Rice. Morris suggests that this may indicate that Hillary was behind the cover-up. He calls it "the likelihood" that she was behind the coverup. However, remember that her first words on the Benghazi attack came after she had a phone call with Barack Obama around ten p.m. on September 11. So, why is Morris blaming Hillary, when she "likely" got her script directly from President Obama?

Yes, it occurred on her watch: the first time in 30 years that an ambassador was killed.

Morris also mentions that she might have wanted to derail any investigation into illegal shipping of arms to the Libyan rebels (without Congressional approval). Thirdly, of course, was the desire to protect Obama with less than two months before the 2012 election, so it would not seem that there had been an Obama foreign policy failure. Plus, we must not give the lie to Biden's boast that we had destroyed al Qaeda.

You can watch the Morris video here, and I recommend we all pay close attention to his future videos on the subject.

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