Thursday, April 03, 2014

Time to hold the RINOs' feet to the fire?

Ask Marion links to a superb article by Christopher G. Adamo in Hawaii Reporter about the Tea Party Movement. Adamo chronicles the history of the movement and the coordinated opposition to it by the Democrat Party. Then Adamo asks,
a very necessary but unsettling question. Why is the GOP “Establishment” engaged in a virtually identical pattern of disparaging, marginalizing, and generally sabotaging the Tea Party?

The goal of the political establishment across the political spectrum is to preserve the D.C. status quo, despite its potential for doing irreparable harm to the nation. Conservatives are right to stridently condemn liberal Democrats for bringing things to this point, yet they are oddly reluctant to hold accountable those RINOs whose collaboration with the Democrats enabled the leftist advance.

Democrats are in this fight to win. If the GOP will not go “toe to toe” against them, or worse yet, if it secretly aids and abets the Democrats, some other political force must arise in order for Americans to avert the disaster into one party rule. If this element of the political equation is ignored, and the RINOs are once again given a pass on some empty premise such as “party unity,” it is absurd to hope or expect that the problems they created for the nation will ever be addressed. And if Americans are spooked into allowing this propaganda blitz to work, they will prove that they are not yet ready to properly engage in battle, and thus only deserve more of the morally, ethically, and increasingly financially bankrupt country the entrenched “ruling class” has given them.

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