Friday, April 04, 2014


This German photographer for the Associated Press was killed and a reporter was injured, when, according to the Associate Press,
As they were sitting in the car waiting for the convoy to move, a unit commander named Naqibullah walked up to the car, yelled “Allahu Akbar” — God is Great — and opened fire on them in the back seat with his AK-47. He then surrendered to the other police and was arrested.

The two were traveling in a convoy of election workers delivering ballots from the centre of Khost city to the outskirts, in Tani district. The convoy was protected by the Afghan National Army and Afghan police. They were in their own car with a freelancer and a driver. - See more at:

Pamela Geller comments,
The terrible irony here is that the AP is the template for Islamic apologism. They self-enforce sharia, they do not criticize Islam, they scrub and whitewash jihad and will smear and defame anyone who speaks candidly about jihad and sharia. It’s why they are known in the blogosphere as Associated [with terrorists] Press. But their willing subjugation doesn’t matter. The sooner that the media begins to understand this and the doctrine of the enemy, the sooner we can begin to win the war against the savages. - See more at:

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