Monday, April 21, 2014

Of compost piles and sipping lattes

We've gotten past 4/20, now we face Earth Day tomorrow. Adrienne has an important post reminding us of a despicable person who was one of the founders of Earth day and suggesting some questions we could ask the elite snobs who will be sipping their lattes in celebration:
Meanwhile, those of us who are rural dwellers are planting trees, tending our gardens, conserving our energy, and doing proper composting - not making Soylent Green.

We're ranching, raising chickens and pigs, and growing all that green stuff you city dwellers scarf up in huge quantities.

So next time you encounter one of these latte drinking elitist snobs, ask them where the milk, chocolate and other goodies came from so they could sit around at a sidewalk table and deride those who actually do the work.

Ask them why it's okay to avail themselves of a plastic umbrella while telling us to carry our groceries in a cloth bag.

Ask them how much of their food they actually grew and how many trees they actually planted.

Ask them why they don't get off their lazy asses and sweep the curb in front of their house instead of waiting for the city to power up a gas hog of a street sweeper to do it for them.

Ask them why they don't hang their clothes out to dry in the summer.

Ask them why they're using a snow-blower instead of a shovel in the winter and why they don't turn off their air conditioning in the summer.

And finally, ask them if they've always been this stupid and arrogant or if it was a recent development.
Read more here.

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