Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Morris doubtful Christie can survive controversies

Dick Morris is doubtful that Chris Christie can win the Republican nomination. Morris gives three reasons. First is the fact that Christie's warm embrace of Obama during Hurricane Sandy tipped the scales with the 15% of voters who decided in the last 72 hours of the 2012 election who they were going to vote for. Of those who were undecided before the last 72 hours before Election Day, they broke 3 to 1 in favor of Obama in those final hours.

Second, the Bridgegate controversy raised other doubts about Christie, because of bullying and perhaps using traffic on the bridge to punish his political opponents. Third, Christie appointed a long-time friend to head the Port Authority. The New York Times has done investigative reporting, and others are following up with more investigations to see if the guy Christie appointed illegally profited from contracts awarded during his tenure.

Morris does not think Christie can survive the bad publicity from these three issues and become the Republican nominee. View his brief video here.

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