Tuesday, March 04, 2014

"The morals of thugs and the agenda of totalitarians

Thomas Sowell writes that the Obama administration has the
morals of thugs and the agenda of totalitarians.
He cites the example of filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, who is being prosecuted for contributing $20,000 to a political candidate, an amount Sowell describes as
chicken feed, compared to what can be raised inside of an hour at a political fundraising breakfast or lunch.

Could this singling out of D'Souza for prosecution have something to do with the fact that he made a documentary movie with devastating exposures of Barack Obama's ideologies and policies? That movie, incidentally, is titled "2016: Obama's America," and every American should get a copy of it on a DVD. It will be the best $10 investment you are ever likely to make.

Arbitrary power is ugly and vicious, regardless of what pious rhetoric goes with it. Freedom is not free. You have to fight for it or lose it. But is our generation up to fighting for it?

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