Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Consider taking the smallest action

Coming out of the Son of God movie, my son Greg immediately sees an opportunity. He leaps up on the side of the building, grabs a ledge, and begins to climb. I look up and see that the building is three stories high.

"Er, uh, Greg, that's awesome climbing, but maybe you should jump down now."

Reluctantly, Greg jumps down and joins us on the walk to the car.

I thought about that experience when I was reading a piece at the Medium website today.
We take chances easily as kids, but hesitate so much as adults. As adults, we start to “reason” a lot more and take less risk outside our comfort zone. We look for the proof of success.

As kids, it’s easier done than said. As adults, easier said than done.

As you ponder about the answers, it’s hard to ignore that we were more willing to be outside our comfort zone as kids. We didn’t think, we just did. At time passed, some experiences evolved into a passion, while others served as a foundation for other experiences, but nothing was lost. The more you think without taking action, the more is lost.

The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. — Chinese Proverb

So what is the quickest possible way to live the life you will love? Take the smallest actions you can imagine towards something you want to achieve. Yes! The smallest actions.

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