Sunday, February 23, 2014

When Democrats are in control...

Marilyn Marks writes that Colorado is sure to become the butt of many jokes now that Governor Hickenlooper has signed into law a ridiculously absurd elections law.
After abolishing all penalties if officials or special interests tamper with local election voter rolls, and encouraging private contractors to conduct local elections for profit, how do Democratic Party proponents expect Colorado voters to maintain any confidence in elections?

Democrats defeated every amendment brought by Republicans to restore and defend election rules, including secretary of state oversight; a written set of procedures; ADA-compliant and accessible polling locations and voting equipment; a local place to vote; and a host of other long-standing voter rights and security controls.

I know of no other state with a local election code that allows a district to "roll its own" procedures. The new election law even allows the very candidates up for re-election and proponents of tax increases to determine the election rules after the fact and control the election through a private, for-profit contractor.

Any Colorado voter may now show up in any local election on the same day he "moves" into town.

Marilyn's list of objections to the new law continues here.

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