Friday, February 28, 2014


Have you heard of Protandim? That's what has been occupying my time this week, as my blogging dropped to zero. A friend of mine has been telling me about LifeVantage, which is the company that distributes Protandim.

Protandim uses five natural ingredients to activate Nrf2, which is the body's own process of protection against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress happens to all of us as we grow older. Our body is designed to make its own antioxidants, which it needs to do because we bring into our cells free radicals which cause cellular damage. The body's response is to produce internal antioxidants through something called the Nrf2 pathway. When we flip on the switch with Protandim, the cells produce their own antioxidants.

Other supplement companies give you external antioxidants, but you only need those in small amounts, and you can get those through a healthy diet. Protandim stimulates the Nrf2 pathway, which means it turns on the body's natural antioxidant system. Our bodies' own antioxidant systems are much more effective than taking a capsule or supplement. It's more natural - and safer - to tell the body how to create its own antioxidents.

Want to be at your peak level of function? When we harness the power of the Nrf2 pathway, we can detoxify the body, which helps nerves and livers, and every other tissue. Nrf2 helps us maintain our antioxidant balance.

Dr. Joe McCord is the discoverer of superoxide dismutase, and he changed the way scientists think about antioxidant protection in the body. He points out that Protandim does more than remedy oxidative stress. Protandim modulates more than 600 genes. "It's not a minor tweak. It is a major readjustment of everything that makes you who you are," says Dr. McCord. You can watch him at You Tube in a video of him speaking to the first convention of LifeVantage, the company that distributes Protandim.

I will be writing more as I learn more. Thanks for reading.

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