Wednesday, February 19, 2014

President tries to say something about marijuana

Scrappleface has the inside story:
this morning the White House released the following list of potentially harmful long-term side-effects of recreational marijuana usage.

“President Obama wants American kids to know that frequent marijuana usage can lead to…

Lethargic reactions to dangerous situations behind the wheel or when your consulate is attacked.
Feelings of immortality, omniscience and omnipotence, leading to attempts to “do the impossible,” or take over entire economic sectors.
Cravings for foods that are on the First Lady’s ‘no-no list’
‘Running with the wrong crowd,’ including petty law-breakers, communist dictators, Islamist warlords and even political consultants.
Irresistible urges to flee responsibility, and spend countless hours at places where there’s ‘lots of grass’.
Inattention to detail in written instructions, like laws or the U.S. Constitution.”

The White House retracted the list later in the morning, noting that the president didn’t recall approving it.

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