Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The miracles of redistribution

Today's Scripture is found at Manhattan Infidel. Here is an excerpt:
And Barack did say: If you like your wine, you can keep your wine. But really, water is much greener. We didn’t have to kill grapes to make it.

This beginning of the miracles of redistribution Barack did in Georgetown; and manifested his socialist glory, and the mainstream media did believe in him.

And the pasch of the Jews was at hand, and Barack did not call the Israeli prime minister though he did call for a two-state solution.

And he found in the Capitol them that called themselves “teabaggers” who believed in limited government.

And when he made, as it were, a scourge of little cords, he drove the teabaggers out of the Capitol building and the Constitution he did overthrow.

And to the teabaggers he said: Make not America a place of limited government with low taxes.

And his disciples in the mainstream media remembered that is is written: The zeal of socialist redistribution hath consumed me.

The teabaggers answered, and said to him: What sign dost thou show us, and where do you get the authority to unilaterally declare which laws will be followed and which not?

Barack answered, and said unto them: Thou art stupid. Destroy the Constitution and in three days I will write a better one, for I am a constitutional scholar.

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