Thursday, January 09, 2014

Refuting requires thought

I just read a post by Fred Reed about the impossibility of assimilation of blacks into mainstream American culture. I want to refute his arguments. However, as Thomas Sowell writes,
Refuting requires thought, which has largely been replaced by fashionable buzzwords and catchphrases when it comes to discussions of race.

Thought is long overdue. So is honesty.

I have a black daughter, who is a part of my daily life. I live in the suburbs, and see blacks and whites shopping at the store where I work every day, and being very cordial to each other. I don't live in a black ghetto. I read about the violence that occurs there, almost entirely black on black. It is a phenomena that is sparsely covered in the mainstream media. Columnists like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell write about it, but few others do.

Life in cities such as Detroit, Newark, Chicago, Stockton, Oakland and Philadelphia is foreign to me. The "fun" of knockout games is beginning to come to our attention, but the media does not report and the President does not comment on black on white or black on black crimes like it does when a "white hispanic" shoots a hooded black teen.

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