Thursday, January 30, 2014

Practice, practice

Ann Voskamp observes,
Seems there are a whole lot of men who see more glory in ESPN and superbowls than in Christ, in supernatural hope. They prefer pigskins.

I would just add, Ann, living here in Colorado, that there are at least an equal number of women who share that enthusiasm. Number 18 is being worn everywhere by all genders and ages in these parts, just like John Elway's number 7 used to be worn everywhere at the end of the last century, when the Denver Broncos last tasted the peak of earthly glory.

People are worshipfully amazed that Peyton Manning, he of the number 18, has a well-practiced, experienced arm that can throw the ball in all directions, over long and short distances, to sure-handed receivers who catch the pigskin and run to glory with it.

But, Ann is talking about a different arm and a different Glory.
His arm will go anywhere, to redeem anyone, from anything.

That changes any temptation to judge or reject.

That keeps you over the egg crud on the stove praying for your own blurry scales to fall off.

So what is the life of a Christ follower all about?
“Grace then — that is what the full life is full of, what God’s glory is full of.

To see His glory, name His graces.

Retune the impaired senses to sense the Spirit, to see the grace.

Couldn’t I do that anywhere? Why is it so hard? Practice, practice.

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