Monday, January 06, 2014

Mood altering

I have a part time job as a cashier. I usually enjoy myself a lot. Sometimes, though, things irritate me. For example, one of the cash registers is a speedy check out, and there is no belt. However, people still put down their items far away from the cashier, because they are used to doing that on belts. The other day I found myself getting irritated by this practice. I talked to myself and told myself that it is stupid to be upset by such a thing. My self came up with a solution! The next time this happened, I climbed up on the counter, crawling on my belly to reach the items. I have done it three times in recent days. The customer either laughs or apologizes, and I get such a kick out of it that it puts me back in a good mood, which is how I like to be.

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