Thursday, January 09, 2014


I had a weird experience today. I looked up from a transaction with a customer, and saw, standing behind her, a boy who could have been the identical twin of my daughter, Sara. I asked the boy his age. "Thirteen." Do you have any sisters that you know of? (I know, that was a weird way to ask the question, but in my mind I had already decided he must be this woman's adopted son from the same biological mother as my adopted daughter, Sara). He answered "three, or four."

At that point the woman said she was his adoptive mother. I said, "I have an adoptive daughter, and your son looks like her identical twin! He was three years older than Sara, so he could not have been her twin, but he sure could have been her biological brother. I asked the woman if she knew the name of the biological mother. She told me, but it was not the same as Sara's. I hope I see them again, because I would like to pursue the possibility further. I know that Sara's biological mom had about one baby a year, and she may have used different names, because of her line of work.

I just shared this post with Colleen. She said, "It takes a rancher to tell you that it is the bull who is primarily responsible for the characteristics of the offspring!" In other words, why didn't I think to ask the adoptive mother if she knew anything about the birthfather? She adopted her son from the same agency where we adopted Sara. Birthfathers are hardly ever known to child protection caseworkers. I guess that is why I didn't even think to ask. I sure will, though, if I ever see this woman and child again. Colleen also suggested I should ask for the name of the caseworker, just in case the caseworker might have some information about the father.

Let's see, I guess it still does take both a man and a woman I know that isn't very politically correct!

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