Thursday, January 02, 2014

Give our bodies a chance!

Is one of your New Year's resolutions to detoxify your body? Dale Pinnock writes that there are some things you can do:

Increase your water intake to support the kidneys by upping urinary output, for example - but don't be tempted into taking up a water-only diet, as you won't get the nutrients necessary to run the rest of your detox system. Do some daily exercise to increase lymphatic circulation. Try to eat a good amount of fibre to keep your digestive system operating at a healthy rate.

Pinnock describes the work done in our bodies by our marvelous kidneys, livers, enzymes in our cells, our lymphatic systems, and he concludes,

The message here is isn't very glamorous: it really is just a case of following a healthy lifestyle that provides the body with everything it needs to get on with sorting itself out.

Your body is capable of marvelous magic. Let it do its work... naturally.

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