Friday, January 03, 2014

Constant novelty at a click can cause addiction!

Why are there so few studies about the effects of porn? Gary Wilson says in this TED talk that it is because researchers can't find control groups (people who have not watched porn!) Wilson also asserts,
Internet porn is not sex. Internet porn is as different from real sex as today's video games are from checkers.

All addictions have three components: Excess chronic consumption (dopamine surges), Binge mechanism (DeltaFosB accumulates), and Cravings for more.

If the behavior is not stopped, structural brain changes occur. The brain changes result in a numbed pleasure response, hyper-reactivity to porn, and willpower erosion.

DeltaFosB is the molecular switch that kicks in.

Finally, though, there is a control group: heavy users of porn are giving it up by the thousands! Why are they giving it up? It is killing men's sexual performance!

Thanks to Jefe at Return of the Kings for posting this video.

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