Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Have you ever heard of Newgrange? I had not. It is the oldest known building in the world. Gerard Vanderleun writes,

Newgrange was built 1,000 years before Stonehenge and also predates the pyramids by more than 500 years.
It was built about 3200 BC, during the Neolithic period, which makes it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. It is in Ireland.

Go the Gerard's blog to read about what happens every year there during winter solstice. Gerard writes,

No matter what time and the universe can throw at us, we still go on. To remind ourselves that we have and shall endure and prevail, we still mark our small planet's turn around our home star. We mark it with ceremonies every year when, at this moment in time, the sun begins to rise higher to warm us again in our small patch of heaven. And we are still here to bear witness, no matter how shrill the Acolytes of Zero, to the mystery and the gift. We're a tough race and a rough species. It will take more than a few degrees centigrade, one way or another, to finish us.

The light of the solstice pierces to the heart of the tomb at Newgrange, and then, soon after, the Light of World arrives. Two moments that remind us of the many manifest miracles of God. Reminders that no winter is without end and that The Gift is given to us again. If we can but receive it.

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