Sunday, December 29, 2013

How best to aid the conservative cause?

George Will writes that conservatives have believed that the way to persuade unbelievers in the conservative message would be to have them read some well written text written by a conservative. However, Will writes that what conservatives have learned is that the best way to persuade people is for progressives to be elected, and then people can see the bankruptcy of the progressives' policies.

Will writes,

Counterfactual history can illuminate the present, so: Suppose in 2012, Barack Obama had told the truth about the ability of people to keep their health plans. Would he have been reelected? Unlikely. Suppose in 2012, Chief Justice John Roberts, instead of rewriting the health-care law to save it, had been the fifth vote for overturning it. Would Obama be better off today? Probably.

Will wonders if history will repeat itself and progressives and statists will be rebuked by voters for many years into the future. Let's hope so.

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