Friday, December 06, 2013

Doing what you are meant to do

Jonathan Fields advocates doing something because it's what you're here to do. In other words, because it is your passion, and you find meaning in doing it. He gives two scenarios:

Scenario #1:

Hey, why are you writing a book?

Because, I want to get published. Then people will take me seriously. Millions of people will know what I’ve got to say. And they’ll see I’m an author. And I’ll build a huge career writing and speaking and traveling. This book is the key that will unlock my dreams. Oh, and Mr. Waddlesmith from 10th grade who said I was a no-talent moron…who’s the dummy now?! #suckit!

And, what if you write the whole book and nobody wants it?

Well, um, uh, then it’ll have been a year out of my life that I can’t get back. A massive letdown. Think of all the other stuff I could’ve done. It’ll suck. Big time. I’d be a total failure. Son of bitch, that Mr. Waddlesmith was right! #screwed

Scenario #2:

Hey, why are you writing a book?

Because, I’m a writer. I feel like that’s what I’m here to do. When I write, I feel. I light up. It’s like I’m doing what I was put here to do. Not all the time, but often enough to make me want to keep coming back and doing more of it. I feel a sense of alignment and purpose. And, besides, I’m pretty fascinated by this topic/story line and it’d be amazing to be able to spent a year doing a really deep dive on it and learning more. Oh, and I’ll have a book at the end, which is pretty cool too. #fulfilled

And, what if you write the whole book and nobody wants it?

Well, I guess that’d be a bit of a bummer. But hell, I’ll still have spent the last year doing what I’m meant to do and learning about something very cool. Including myself. Hopefully, someday I’ll get good enough at the craft for people to want to buy what I write. But even if they don’t, it’s still something I’d do just because of what it gives me along the way. #stillfulfilled

Thanks to Susan Cain for recommending Mr. Fields

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