Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Turning Christmas upside down, and letting love fall out

Ann Voskamp asks,

How did Christmas become something that we could return on Boxing Day – when Christ came to be. with. us.?

How did Christmas get handcuffed by chains of Big Box stores – when the Christ Child came small and subversively and for freedom?

How did Christmas get to be more about cheap stuff than a lavish Savior?

What makes us scared to do Christmas counter-culture — when it’s about God upending everything?

Then she thunders,

The crushing gears of Herodian forces can still tear families apart at Christmas, rabid materialism and cultural pressures hunting hard through every home to steal The Child.

Then, Ann instucts two of her boys to go out and cut down a cedar tree, not more than two feet high. They bring it to her, and she and one of her sons hang it upside down.

You see, Ann is

hungry to upend the fake version of the commercialized way to really live the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Be brave enough to turn Christmas upside down because this coming Christ ushered in the Upside Down Kingdom where

less is more and

weak is strong and

least is greatest and/p>

consumers can get consumed and

giving is greater than getting.

We weren’t when I was a kid — but we could be brave now.

The brave that turns everything upside down – to upright everything.

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