Friday, November 15, 2013

Thomas and Scalia submit to interviews

David Lat writes about an appearance last night by Clarence Thomas at the Federalist Society's National Lawyers Convention. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas refers to his journey to the Supreme Court as "totally Forrest Gump."

Last night’s audience roared with laughter at this — and appreciated Justice Thomas’s refreshing humility. It’s unusual to find a distinguished lawyer or jurist who is this self-effacing; most prefer to spin tales of how they got to their current high stations thanks to their own brilliance and hard work.

Thomas loves his law clerks. Where does he get them?

I don’t care what school they come from. I hire quite a few from the non-Ivies. I try to take from the South. I can hire from LSU or from Yale. I prefer kids from modest backgrounds. I like kids who are not jerks.

Lat writes,

Justice Thomas gushed about his law clerks, who are like family to him, and talked about how he takes them to Gettysburg each year. Why? “I want them to understand the price that was paid for this country.”

At the same convention CBS News chief legal correspondent, Jan Crawford, interviewed Justice Antonin Scalia.

Crawford asked Scalia what he like to do for fun.

Oh, I love duck hunting! And writing blistering dissents

Lat writes,

Crawford observed that there are still only three women on the high court. Scalia wisecracked: “Whaddya want — five? Insatiable, insatiable….”

What does Scalia think of the State of the Union speeches?

Scalia expressed agreement with the view of Chief Justice Roberts, who back in March opined that the State of the Union has “degenerated to a political pep rally.” Said Scalia: “It is a juvenile spectacle, and I resent being called upon to give it dignity…. It’s really not appropriate for the justices to be there.”

Cameras in the court? Scalia was not in favor, saying they would just result in more distortion! What a perfect summary of the role of the new media in 2013!

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