Mike's America makes a good point.
Remember all the grief the left dumped on Rush Limbaugh when he called contraception activist and Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a "prostitute" for wanting others to pay for her birth control? Obama phoned Ms. Fluke to offer his support while the left tried to get Rush's advertisers to dump his show.Well, even Rush couldn't have imagined how far the left would take this free birth control nonsense. With ads to promote ObamaCare running in Colorado it's suggested that it's quite all right to abuse alcohol and hop into bed with any hot guy you see.
The ads are ironic since most liberals are trying to control what they deem risky behavior. You can't smoke, eat trans-fats or salt but somehow you can drink to excess and be promiscuous?
Mike shows two of the ads:
And yet Tim Tebow is controversial? Ugg.