Sunday, November 24, 2013

David Mamet

Peter Robinson interviews David Mamet: essayist, playwright, poet, director, screenwriter, and conservative!


God has got a problem. What is His problem? Human beings. The Bible is a divinely inspired book about human nature.

Hollywood is a liberal business. It has always been a Jewish business, and the Jews have always been liberal, because Jews believe in justice, and sometimes we get it wrong!

The government is only interested in trading favors, raising taxes and getting more power.

We've got to still be talking to each other here in America. We've swung very, very far towards socialism, and now, with Obamacare, the American people are seeing that it doesn't work. The answer has to be that the American people are in charge; not Obama. If you go back and read the Declaration of Independence and the abuses of King George, it sounds like it was written today, about our government!

I love this man's anger. I love his love for America, freedom, and the Constitution.

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