Monday, November 18, 2013

Americans’ Participation in Labor Force Hits 35-Year Low

Ali Meyer writes for CNS News

When someone drops out of the labor force and ceases to actively seek a job, they are no longer counted as “unemployed.” The BLS counts as “unemployed” only those who have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. The unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the labor force who did not have a job in the last four weeks but were actively seeking one.

People in the civilian noninstitutional population who did not have a job and did not actively seek one in the last four weeks are considered “not in the labor force.” The number of Americans not in the labor force has climbed by 11,034,000 since Obama took office.

Mostly Cajun, All American and Opinionated writes,

And that, folks, is a fine example of “Lies, damned lies, and statistics”. By playing a bit of sophistry with definitions and numbers, the Left can delude themselves and the uninformed electorate that The One is indeed making a difference in America. “See?!? The ‘unemployment rate’ is going down because we love you and want you to have good things. Here’s some more food stamps. No go over there and vote for the guy with the ‘D’ by his name.”

Yeah! That’s how it works. When the whole nation is sitting on its collective ass drawing gummint money (ably provided by the Federal Reserve’s printing presses) and both of the two people who want to work ARE working, then the unemployment rate will be 100% and won’t that be a great day for America?

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