Saturday, October 12, 2013

Would you be willing to adopt a senator or representative and mentor him or her in financial literacy?

Daniel Greenfield:

The population of government employees is already larger than the populations of Rhode Island, Wyoming, Delaware, Alaska, Montana, North and South Dakota, New Hampshire, Maine, Hawaii, Idaho, West Virginia, Nebraska and New Mexico. It's so big that if government employees formed their own state, it would be the 36th largest state in the union.

And Daniel is just referring to federal employees! He recommends we turn members of the federal government into the 36th state. He also recommends that

It's up to all of us to adopt a senator or representative and mentor him or her in financial literacy. It won't be a rewarding job, but it's important work that needs doing.
He also recommends we have a government sale.

Read the whole thing here.

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