Friday, October 18, 2013

Why do our church leaders and politicians have such a love affair with Karl Marx?

To put it mildly, Sarah Hoyt is not a fan of Karl Marx.

You want to look at the decay of Western civilization? It’s mostly the unexamined absorption of Marxist ideas. Take the Marxist theory of value. It is utter nonsense of course. The idea is that what gives value to something is the labor put into it.

The REAL theory of value goes something like this: something is worth what people are willing to pay for it.

We’re supposed to prioritize the good of the collective over the good of the individual. Then we get into sociology/politics/moral/religion, where the idea of collective guilt and collective punishment has taken hold.

White men?

Mostly what they get is blamed for the “historical oppression of women” and slavery and stuff that wasn’t happening when they were born, wasn’t happening when their fathers were born, and into which they had absolutely no say.

White women?

they’re “victims” because women are in the victim class of Marxism. And so women now are born without sin and OWED. No, it doesn’t matter what they’re owed. Whatever their little heart desires, I guess. They also always get to claim discrimination when things don’t go their way.

ALL our society is run according to the theory of classes and designated historical victims.

But, you say, Sarah, no one takes the Marxist theory of classes seriously anymore!

Really? No? That is why we have people talking about the “one percent” as though they were an homogeneous group? That’s why we have taxes on people who “make too much.” (Too much for what?) That’s why our entire tax system is based on redistribution.

Marx thought that wealth was a finite pie. That meant that for you to be rich someone else had to be poor. And colleges still teach it that way. No, seriously.

None of Marx’s theories stands up to real world examination or real world scrutiny. And yet you have people running around declaring themselves Marxist and neo-Marxist. And, inexplicably, people don’t point and laugh.

His ideas have penetrated how things are done UNEXAMINED. Which is the only way they could penetrate because if you examine them they crumble into incoherence.

What about our churches? Don't get Sarah started on our churches.

SOCIAL justice was never part of the gospel or of any Western religion. Justice, guilt and sin are individual and expiated as such.

Only Marx thinks that on the terrible day of judgment in which he doesn’t believe, people will come before their Lord in classes and ranks of standing, and be condemned or forgiven according to things they could do nothing about.

Read much more here.

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