Monday, October 28, 2013

Sharing our real selves

Ann Voskamp writes today,

Why do we keep thinking we have to be somebody different to get the love of anybody at all.

Why do we keep thinking who we really are couldn’t be who He really loves.

Why do we believe that to be blessed we can’t be ourselves. We hide ourselves because we don’t think we can be loved for ourselves.

I’m thinking it’s that — We wear masks when we feel barely loved.

Are we missing Jesus in our days — because we go through our days missing chances to share our real selves?

What if no one had to dress up any better, any stronger, any braver — and we just handed out words that bless to everyone just as they are in all their real and honest messiness?

What if we weren’t about dressing up as good — but about giving the blessing now?

This changes your life and a thousand more: Only speak words that make souls stronger.

Now let me write down words written spontaneously by my nine year old daughter Sara, while I sat with her at the kitchen table in New Mexico last weekend.


by Sara Agard

I think everyone has a personality. But there's one problem: some people try to have different personalities just to fit in! I think you should be who you are. That's the way God made you. So just be yourself and don't be put down!

One day you will stop trying to be someone else and just be yourself. But, you might just mess up your life even more!

So, just be yourself. And keep your personality.

That's what I think about personality. Like my personality...I try not to be someone else.

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