Monday, October 21, 2013

I thought they wanted us to be "sensitive"

Can a man display weakness in front of his female companion? Morpheus writes about it here:

This is perhaps one of the most bitter of all the components of the Red Pill. You’d like to think there is this one person…your mate/spouse that you can reveal ALL to in terms of your personal emotions and feelings and get comfort from, but if you go down that path excessively you are attacking the foundation of respect a woman has to have to love you.

The truth is most all women want to believe their man is as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar, and get very disturbed at any hint that a man has lost emotional control. I’ve actually read comments from multiple women on various sites remarking on just how disturbing and unsettling it is for a man to display the emotion of being upset or distraught.

Now I don’t think this means a man has to go through life with his mate/spouse as a stoic fortress that never shows an ounce of sadness, disappointment, being upset, but it does mean you have to be judicious about how much, when, and the reasons why for communicating those emotions.

I think this is the reason men usually have one or two really close male friends that often go back to childhood. Very often, that is the one person you can tell all to without fear of being perceived as weak. In contrast, I do think part of a woman’s love is based on a man’s strength and it will be increasingly difficult to love a man perceived as weak.

The bottom line is I believe you have to stay mindful when it comes to displays of weakness. If you’ve chosen wisely, you should have some slack, but if it becomes a too frequent occurrence don’t be surprised if the relationship ends up as wreckage on the rocks.

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