Sunday, September 29, 2013

What will happen if there is a government shutdown?

Do you have ay idea of what will happen if and when there is a government shutdown? Mike at Cold Fury thinks he knows what to expect:

All true enough, certainly. But there’s one problem: we all already know well enough that the very first thing Ogabe’s thuggish regime will be stopping under any “shutdown” will be Social Security checks, unemployment checks, food stamps, military pay, and any and everything else they can think of to ensure that the pain of a shutdown will be most acutely felt by those least able to bear it, while working diligently with Court Media to see to it that the blame for all this trauma–and trauma it will be–is placed where they want it.

That pain will be real, immediate, and urgent, affecting the least-powerful Americans the Progressivist swine constantly lie about caring the most for. Those people will be damaged severely by Ogabe’s icy, calculating heartlessness. He won’t care a whit. He will do what he must to consolidate absolute power for the Almighty State and lie shamelessly about it, just as he always has. And he’ll sleep like a baby at night, and get in as many holes of golf as he likes during the day, the whole time it’s going on–just as he did while Americans were being slaughtered in Benghazi.

Thus, the clamor will be not for the renunciation of Ogabacare, but for the heads of the congresscritters who made it the hinge on which a federal shutdown swings. Think it’s any accident that Ogabe and Pals want such a huge proportion of us on the welfare rolls in one way or another? It’s the same strategy they used to steercot the formerly sovereign states: get ‘em on the federal teat and addicted to it, then you can do whatever you like and they can offer nothing more than the occasional feeble moo of half-hearted protest before reattaching themselves and sucking harder.

So it will be here. I know people–I have family members, in fact–who are entirely dependent on federal assistance for their very survival, which survival is a meager one indeed for most of them. Most of them are no fans of Obama or Obamacare, but once they begin to starve, they’ll be no fans of anyone else in government either, including conservatives. They may be all for reducing the size and scope of government in the abstract, but as a practical matter, they, like urban blacks, illegal immigrants, and other perpetual-victim groups so skillfully exploited and rendered helpless by the Democrat Socialists, are going to swing the way their empty wallets (and stomachs) tell them to.

It’s a pretty seamless web the Progressivists have spent the last hundred years a-weaving, and dependency on FederalGovCo is one of the strongest threads in it. Not saying I’m opposed to what guys like Cruz and Lee are attempting here, or that I disagree with what Bill says; far from it. But it’s going to be a damned rocky path, fighting as they and we are against an enemy that is devious, cunning, and that has spent a century building and fortifying the edifice we are sworn to deconstruct.

In the end, the GOPers will cave, just as we all already know they will; they’re as heavily invested in that edifice as anyone else in Mordor on the Potomac, and when the Dark Tower falls, they’ll be crushed under it just as surely as the army of orcs around them will be. Don’t look to me for answers; I ain’t got any. But gruesome as it all is, that’s the way it looks from here.

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