Remember Nakoula Basseley Nakoula? Yes, that Nakoula, the one who produced a video entitled The Innocence of Muslims? Yeah, he is the one who Obama and Clinton blamed for the massacre in Benghazi. As Rich Lowry wrote, he is the first person in America to be jailed for violating Islamic blasphemy laws. He is the Patsy of Benghazi. Well, one year later, he is now out of jail, having been released Thursday into the custody of Pastor Wiley Drake of the First Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park, California. More on Pastor Drake later.
Nakoula's underlying offense is that he exercised his First Amendment rights. He produced a stupid, offensive video (I was one of about fourteen people who viewed the video before it was taken off You tube). He had previously been placed on parole, and had been court ordered not to use any more aliases. He plead guilty to four charges, and was sentenced to one year in prison and four years of supervised release. He had previously been convicted of a charge of intent to manufacture Meth, spent a year in jail, violated probation, spent another year in jail, was later sentenced to 21 months in prison for bank fraud (which is when he had time to write the script for his movie), and was out on probation when he produced the film lampooning the prophet Mohammed. He was also sentenced to death by a Muslim Brotherhood court in Egypt last year for defaming Islam by producing the stupid movie.
Pastor Drake grew up in Magnolia, Arkansas. He spent much of his time with his grandfather, Hamp Smead Beasley, a horse trader, who took Wiley to revival meetings. Drake ran in California for Vice President of the United States on the Independent Party ticket with Alan Keyes as the Presidential candidate in 2008. He was a busy guy in 2008. He was also party to a lawsuit claiming that the "evil illegal alien" Barack Obama was ineligible to be President, because he was not born in the United States.
This is only going to get better.
Bakula's diatribe against Islam caused an estimated 50 deaths around the world. You shouldn't call him a "patsy" since he and his film caused theses deaths. He also stirred up animosity against Jews since he claimed he was an Israeli and sollicited funds from "100 Jewish donors" as reported by the Wall St. Journal and the AP. He's not a patsy, he's a man who prompted others to commit murder.