Thursday, September 05, 2013

The first female president?

Mark Judge is obviously a man who doesn't like women. He claims that Barack Obama is the first female president. I don't know whether Judge is just trying to discourage Hillary Clinton, or if he just doesn't like women.

Judge rates Obama on the seven manly virtues.

In their book Manvotionals: Timeless Wisdom and Advice on Living the 7 Manly Virtues, Brett and Kate McKay outline six things necessary to attain true manhood: courage, industry, resolution, self-reliance, discipline, honor, and manliness.

On courage, Judge writes,
Obama lacks courage when it comes to politics, but his real lack of spunk is evident in his abject terror of his wife Michelle. It’s not uncommon for a husband to joke about his wife being angry at him, but Obama obsessively returns to the theme in speech after speech: “Now, I don’t wanna get Michelle angry at me…” On their first date, the couple saw the violent black rage film “Do the Right Thing,” so that Michelle could make sure Barack “was down with the struggle.” With her love of violent movies, her fixation on fitness, and death glare that appears when she doesn’t like what she’s hearing, Michelle is actually more man than her husband.


There is no greater test of honor than how a person reacts in the heat of battle when his fellow countrymen are in danger. In the Benghazi debacle, President Obama has been AWOL since the night of the attack, when no one knows where he was. To say nothing of the lies that have followed from the administration to provide political cover.


Did I mention the 129 “present” votes? The only thing President Obama seems resolute is defending positions that are morally repulsive. He is a radical extremist on abortion, the most anti-woman act imaginable, and will not call radical Islam radical Islam. He is, however, resolute in making sure that Catholic institutions pay for contraception. On that there can be no compromise.

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