Guest post by Curt Dale
My opinion on the Accountability Review Board Hearing of the Benghazi Scandal. A travesty against the word, honesty. Ambassador Thomas Pickering, speaking on the review process before Congress, did a total whitewash in a most professorial, oblique and haughty manner, blaming layer upon layer of American leadership failure upon the terrorists who attacked our ambassador and emissaries. That makes as much sense as blaming the Indians for Custer's failure at his last stand, Pickering declared the obviously flawed review totally satisfactorily to him, fully comprehensive and complete. Since Hillary Clinton was not required to testify and since there are people who were at Benghazi during the attack being held incommunicado on the subject, forbidden by the State Department and Obama Administration to testify, this review report is meaningless. I had asked my Congressman to dig to the bottom of this. I truly hope that he, Cory Gardner, will pick up the drumbeat along with other members of Congress to force this to a head. The more these carefully chosen double speakers declare the abandonment of our people at Benghazi, the more guilty the upper echelon seem.
We are being played for suckers by John Kerry, who picked up the cudgel from Hillary is no better, maybe worse than she, even though that seems inconceivable, and he's guarding the inner circle with Hillary and Obama totally fortified within the blithering explanations. He is in the background, now, calling all of these turns for Obama and the Obama protectorate.
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