Saturday, September 14, 2013

Should the government decide who qualifies for freedom of the press?

Matt Drudge fired back at Senator Dianne Feinstein, who is sponsoring legislation to protect journalists from having to reveal their sources. Drudge objected to her narrow definition of who can be called a journalist.

“Comments from Sen. Feinstein yesterday on who’s a reporter were disgusting,” Drudge tweeted, adding that a “17-year old ‘blogger’ is as important as Wolf Blitzer.”

“Fascist!” he declared.

Drudge, the owner and operator of the most successful news site on the Internet, took to Twitter to defend bloggers and to hammer the senator.

Drudge pointed out that a federal judge once ruled that he was “not a reporter, a journalist, or a newsgatherer.”

“Millions of readers a day come for cooking recipes??!” he asked incredulously.

“Gov’t declaring who qualifies for freedom of press in digital age is ridiculous!” Drudge added. “It belongs to anyone for any reason. No amendment necessary.”

found here

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