Friday, September 27, 2013

Hey liberals, guess what? You are the hatemongers!

Gavin McGinnis writes,

This country could afford to be more dubious of Islam. One of the reasons Fort Hood happened was that the shooter’s fellow officers were too scared of sounding racist to criticize his strange behavior. The Boston Bombers may have started out Muslim back in Chechnya, but many reports say their radical Islamism blossomed in the States. Here in New York, virtually all cab drivers are Muslim and my wife and I were once asked to leave for kissing inside of a taxi. Some drivers still refuse to transport alcohol.

Despite all the justification we have for being intolerant, America keeps saying, “Good morning” to anyone who doesn’t tread on them.

Liberal media hates us with a passion and we just want to help them understand how stupid they’re being. I believe that deep down they know Islamophobia is not a problem but they want it to be true. They want it to be true because it would justify the seething hatred they feel within for those of us who disagree with them, AKA The Average American. Sorry guys, not gonna bite. You’re the hatemongers and in the end, you have to live with your hatred.

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