Monday, September 02, 2013

A powerhouse of raw talent makes the transition from learning to thinking, to creating.

How's your memory? How is your drive to learn more?

The whole randomness thing: that's why I am completely against all physics!
He wants to
end the whole math phobia thing.

This next video is even better. He is developing a great sense of humor, with an infectious laugh.

What do we know about circles? Most importantly, they're the shape of the thing that turns on your XBox 360. Look at everything with your own unique perspective! Newton stopped learning (at Cambridge, during the plague), and he started thinking. So, we now have science! Along came Einstein, who stopped learning, started thinking, and started creating! I started thinking...about shapes! Are Einstein, Johnson and Newton really geniuses? No! Absolutely not! What they were: people who made the transition from learning to thinking to creating!

A huge thank you to The Libertarian Republic for sharing this story here

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