Saturday, August 10, 2013

Importing jihadists brings ..... jihad

For the first time, President Obama has agreed to allow thousands of Syrian refugees to come to America. As Pam Geller writes,

We know how well these resettlement programs from jihad-plagued countries, i.e. Somalia, have worked out. The fact is that Obama should be resettling religious minorities here. Christians from Egypt, Syria, Nigeria should be brought over under a "Religious Persecution Act" or the "Sharia Free Act."

Importing jihadists brings ..... jihad.

Reminds me to mention the Palin Doctrine—-when both sides in a conflict are shouting ‘Allahu akbar‘ and killing each other, let Allah sort it out!

Let your Senators and Members of Congress know how you feel about Syrian immigration to America during their August recess. They will be amazed that you are on top of the news (because they likely are not!). And, tell them that the Iraqis that came before them are heavily dependent on welfare and are suffering from high unemployment rates.

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