Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bloomberg puts his money where his mouth is

In Colorado next month there will be recall elections in Colorado Springs and Pueblo. The two who are facing recall were active in passing legislation restricting Coloradans' Second Amendment rights. Mayor Bloomberg of New York has sent the President of the Colorado Senate, who is the guy in Colorado Springs facing recall, a check for $350,000.

Mayor Bloomberg has that kind of money. He also has the first amendment right to send that money. At the same time, we have the right to know where that money is coming from. Bloomberg, as far as I know, didn't try to conceal the fact that he was the one cutting the check. I don't think other people should get to conceal who they are financially supporting, either.

I don't know how Bloomberg is thought of in New York; but here in Colorado he does not have a good reputation. He is thought to be a controlling nanny. It helps people decide how to vote when they know who is financing the campaigns of politicians.

Why do you suppose it is so important to Bloomberg to stop this pro-Second Amendment movement?

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