Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What are our schools teaching our children?

Sarah Hoyt believes that schools today are mostly teaching

compliance with interpretation from on-high.

I first realized that schools were doing something very weird to the relationship between boys and girls when Robert got sent home with a letter from Kindergarten commanding that he absolutely stop making little girls uncomfortable and hinted if he did this when older, he would be subjected to sexual harassment charges. What was his awful crime? It appears he had made a poem to a girl and compared her eyes to stars.

Nine or so years later, having moved to a saner area of the state, I’m in the dentist’s waiting room, and the receptionist says there’s a call for me. Let’s give props to the kid for remembering that I was going to the dentist that morning and also what the dentist’s name was.

I grabbed the phone. Listened to the principal of younger son’s elementary school, and realized I’d let through a long sentence laced with profanity when I saw the expression on my dentist’s receptionist’s face (she’s a devout Christian) and realized the rest of the waiting room was staring at me.

At that point I put down the phone and said “I beg your pardon, but they just told me they’re going to charge my ten year old with sexual harassment and that he’s already confessed.”

The system has taught girls they’re fragile flowers who need a massive bureaucracy to protect them. I mean, really, if a ten year old boy touching their behind can merit weeks of counseling, imagine what a boy telling them he loves them would do? The trauma might never pass! They’ll have to go to counseling the rest of their lives.

It has also taught boys it is completely irrational, and arbitrary punishment and accusation will come out of a clear blue sky for no reason at all. Which is why boys are choosing to disengage in record numbers.

If you have kids, and you can, get them out of school. If you can’t, make sure you de-program them at home.

Unfortunately, the world we’re leaving them is not a playground, not even one supervised by neurotic playground guards.

And they’re going to need to grow up.

Like our debt, this is a problem not of their making, but one they’ll have to solve nonetheless, if civilization is to go on.

Read what "crime" her son committed here.

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