Monday, July 29, 2013

Stonewalling, obfuscation, and obstruction

Tom Blumer writes that Obama's scandals are very real; it is Obama's economy that is "phony." Blumer focuses on the fact that Eric Holder signed the search warrant to try to criminalize reporting by Fox News' James Rosen, and Holder subsequent lying to Congress, and James Clapper's lying

about the extent of the National Security Administration’s collection of data on the activities of everyday Americans. Go one step, further, and ask how scandalous it is that even though Clapper has admitted to his egregious lie, he appears to have suffered no negative consequences for his deception.

Then, there is the IRS scandal:

As to the IRS scandal, it primarily involved but was by no means limited to the targeting of not-for-profit status applications from conservative and tea party groups for harassing scrutiny and inexcusable delays. At this point, it’s beyond meaningful dispute that the enterprise’s deliberate mission was to mute opposition efforts during the 2010 congressional and 2012 general elections. The targeting’s comprehensiveness during the year or so before 2012 balloting — along with the fact that its existence, though common knowledge in the White House in early 2012, was not disclosed until this year — for all practical purposes has delegitimized Obama’s 2012 electoral victory as a genuine expression of the will of an informed electorate.

On July 17, Ben Bernanke testified before Congress, and in the question and answer session made this statement:

I don’t think the Fed can get interest rates up very much, because the economy is weak, inflation rates are low. If we were to tighten policy, the economy would tank.
Blumer asks,
What kind of economy needs continuous artificial injections of $85 billion out of thin air every month to be kept from “tanking”?

Via Instapundit

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