It is known now that millions of working class whites stayed home rather than vote for Obama or Romney. Why bother to vote when neither party cares about your well-being or shares your values?
Mark Krikorian gives the argument for GOP legislators not to back immigration bills.
For instance, one-third of all children in poverty in the United States live in immigrant households.We can argue until we run out of breath for tax cuts, spending discipline, and smaller government, but mass immigration of low-income workers inevitably propels us a little farther down the road to serfdom.
GOP lawmakers have a choice: Go along with the party establishment and leadership in backing some version of Obama’s immigration agenda, and suffer continued defeat and ever-larger government; or break with the large donors, political operatives, and party panjandrums by making a populist, and popular, case for a sober, even-tempered restrictionism, one that warmly embraces new and prospective members of the American national community but is unapologetic about defending the interests of the American people.
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