Sunday, July 28, 2013

Out with the biblical view of marriage; in with the feminist view

Dalrock writes about the fact that

divorce reform is all about redistributing power from the spouse who wants to honor the marriage vows to the spouse who doesn’t.

When discussing the topic of changes in divorce law we typically talk about divorce theft and how this causes men to be understandably hesitant to marry, as well as the impact it has on men and their children who are directly victimized by the new regime. However, divorce “reform” is as much about manipulating the power balance within marriage as it is about ensuring that women can frivolously divorce while collecting cash and prizes.

Christians are actively reinforcing these legal and social changes by abandoning the biblical view of marriage in favor of the feminist view. While the old paradigm was that a woman who couldn’t keep a man was a failure, feminists and Christians have turned this around and now view a husband who can’t keep his wife haaapy as a failure. At the same time, the wife who kicks the father of her children out of the house is now seen as heroic. This idea that husbands must grovel to their wives to stave off her ever threatened unhaaapyness is so ingrained in modern Christian thought that there was no meaningful backlash amongst Christians when this was made the central plot of the movie Fireproof. Tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of Christians watched the movie and delighted in its presumed Christian message on marriage. We saw proof of the same thing with the women of going on for over 40 pages passionately arguing the morality of frivolous divorce.

While I agree with Dalrock that husbands and children are most often the victims of new divorce regimes, I caution these husbands and children not to indulge in self-pity. Allowing oneself to engage in self-pity is the worst choice anyone can make.

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