Thursday, July 25, 2013

Is America leaderless?

Fuzzy Slippers is tired of the claim that we have a leaderless White House.

If one more person tells me some variation of “there is no leader in the WH,” my head may explode. Of course there is. This idea that Obama is somehow removed from, above, or not up to his scrawny neck in what his administration is doing must be dispelled. Now, do I think he’s the brains behind the operation? No way, I don’t think he’s that bright, but I do think he’s surrounded himself with people who have plenty of brains and plenty of nefarious, traitorous plans. I also believe that he’s well-aware of and ideologically happy with every single thing that has led to the myriad scandals that stink up our White House. Do I think that he gets his hands dirty (beyond going out and spreading vile lies, doubts, and suspicion of the TEA Party and conservatives more generally), that some “smoking gun” will be found tying him directly to the IRS, DOJ, AP, Rosen, NSA, or any other scandal we currently know about or ones that may yet be revealed? Nope.

She goes on to point out that

It’s no mistake that his czars and other appointments are a rag-tag assortment of dirty dealers, traitors, commies, anti-Semites, radicals, and fascist zealots. Those people didn’t just materialize around him; remember, he sought out this type of person all the way back in college. That never ended, as we can see all too clearly.

We may not be able to connect the dots yet, but it’s becoming pretty clear that it’s all of one piece, including what he’s been doing right here in America. To Obama, the nation’s real enemies, his real enemies, are people who “want to make America a better place to live,” people who support the 10th Amendment, people who are pro-life, Christian, Jewish, white, patriots. He’s made this crystal clear since practically Day One with every appointment, every czar, every policy, every word.

Read more here.

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