Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Hypocrite of the century"

Is Obama the "hypocrite of the century?" This speaker in Ireland thinks so. She does not want Ireland to be a "lapdog" of Obama. She speaks out about the "sycophantic fawning" over the Obamas by the Irish media. She is determined to speak her mind, and no one seems able to stop her! She criticizes the "slobbering over them" treatment of the Obamas that we are used to here in America.

However, Free Thinke reminds us in the comments section at Always on Watch that

Yes, it is a pleasure to hear someone who can put words together without hemming, hawing, stumbling and and inserting "you know" after each clause. However, her demeanor and bearing are those a typical leftist bîtch -- dour -- humorless -- insolent -- accusatory -- ceaselessly confrontational -- and tirelessly belligerent.

Thanks to Sam Huntington for making the video available.

1 comment:

  1. Bob,
    Thank you for linking to Sam's post at my blog. I appreciate it!
