Friday, July 26, 2013

How long do you want to live?

How is you in-built self repair mechanism doing?

Are you keeping your foot down on the pedal of life? Walter Bortz, an 83-year-old marathoner and physician says,

And keep your RPMs at a certain level. I’ve described what I call a metabolic field that has metrics—it has parameters to it. And there is this range of optimality. If you go too fast, that’s stress. But on the other hand, there’s frailty: the result of ineffective, insufficient energetic stimulus. Stay in between those two extremes. The golden mean. I think that gets us to 100. After 100, it’s negotiable. Maybe we can go on to 120. But I still think the average human life span is energetically ordained around 100.

I think that came down genetically. That’s what we were given. It’s a measure of use and disuse, repair and disrepair. One hundred is a legitimate medical goal based on what we have now. We know enough to live 100 healthy years, but we screw it up.

Exercise is the current anti-aging process. The most powerful thing we can do today is to get people to take a walk.

Aubrey De Grey:

At the moment, there is far too much emphasis on treatment and far too little on prevention. Essentially the psychology of addressing aging now revolves around waiting until people are already sick and then doing your best to fix them up for as long as you can—which isn’t very long. It’s pathetic.

Take molecular garbage in the cell. The problem here is that we’ve got really versatile garbage-destruction machinery, but it’s not completely, 100 percent versatile. There is some stuff it can’t break down. So what we’ve been doing is actually looking for bacteria in the environment that can break down substances in the body that cause age-related ill health. And we’ve found that it’s rather easy to discover such bacteria. What we do then is find the genes and enzymes those bacteria have that allow them to actually destroy the substance, and we incorporate those genes and enzymes into human cells so as to augment the destruction machinery of the cells.

When we can do this, we will have a therapy that can truly eliminate cardiovascular disease. No one will need to get heart attacks and strokes anymore, because we will be able to stop fatty deposits from accumulating in the arteries.

Read more here

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