Friday, July 12, 2013

From Whom did we learn about the concept of individual liberty?

Donald Sensing writes that individual liberty was an invention of Jesus.

1. Jesus denounced the social system of honor and shame that dominated how people lived and related with each other.

2. Jesus directly refuted the idea that blood relationships could determine how an individual lived his life.

3. Jesus insisted that the heart of true religion was not obligations imposed upon a person externally, but was an ethic of love from within.

These were not merely new teachings, they were positively revolutionary. No one was bound any longer by conferred status; all were liberated by divine endorsement of their inherent worth as beloved of God. Life in Christ brings personal liberation from every kind of spiritual bondage, including but not limited to politics, self-indulgence, selfishness, self-righteousness, entertainment and even religion itself.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free" (Gal. 5.1): free to love, free to live in joy and peace. Free to be generous in all we have, free to know our worth is God given, not human determined, free to live in ways that please God.

Free at last!

Free at last!

Thank God Almighty,

We’re free at last!

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