Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fading hope

Fuzzy Slippers gives us her perspective of what the Obama presidency has brought to America.
By spring 2009, the hopeychangey stuff wasn’t working out so well, and the shiny, happy faces sort of froze into a grimace. A grimace that still held hope in its eye. A hope that started fading in 2010 and was pretty much extinguished by 2012. That’s the year Obama ran not as the messiah who could stop the oceans from rising and heal the planet while simultaneously eliminating poverty, inequity, and those horrible boils unicorns sometimes get, but as the exact opposite. He ran in 2012 as the divider: everything is about race, class, gender, sexual orientation, red state, blue state; everything is about ensuring that each voting bloc stays not only separate but feeling the Obama “love” (which is very like the Obama “hate” except that with the former he’ll smile at you indulgently and condescendingly as he bankrupts you. If you’re a particularly good Obot, he won’t send the IRS after you. Or the ATF, FBI, EPA, DOJ, etc. Yay!?!). And now, here we are in 2013, and some of us are still feeling the pain and disillusionment from the last election. But here’s what I learned from my foray into the recent past: there is absolutely no comparison between today’s Obama and the 2008 Obama. Not only has he shown his true tyrannical and treasonous colors but even his Obots have an inkling that all is not what it seemed with their messiah, their chosen one. His star is falling and falling fast. Whatever his plans were, he will never be able to fulfill them because there is no way in hell he’ll ever again reach the exalted high he enjoyed in ’08. America knows him now and has his number; it will take a great deal more than fake Greek columns, phony presidential seals, and dramatic readings of other people’s scripts to get those faces shiny and happy once more.
Read the whole thing here.

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