Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Victor Davis Hanson shows how Obama and his team have subverted our government through lies. He cites IRS malfeasance, Attorney General Eric Holder's lies to Congress, ditto for Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, newly appointed National Security Advisor Susan Rice's Benghazi lies, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's lie about the administration changing the Benghazi talking points, and former EPA Director Lisa Jackson's creation of a false persona.

Deception is now institutionalized in the Obama administration. It infects almost every corner of the executive branch, eroding the trust necessary for the IRS, the Department of Justice, our security agencies, and the president’s official spokesman — sabotaging the public trust required for democracy itself.

How did this happen? Hanson cites the fact that there is no longer an adversarial media in Washington, and,

There is also utopian arrogance in Washington that justifies any means necessary to achieve exalted ends of supposed fairness and egalitarianism. If one has to tell a lie to stop the Tea Party or Fox News, then it is not seen by this administration as a lie.

Barack Obama swept up an entire nation in 2008 with his hope-and-change promises of a new honesty and transparency. That dream is now in shambles, destroyed by the most untruthful cast since Richard Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, Ron Ziegler, and John Dean left Washington in disgrace almost 40 years ago — after likewise subverting the very government they had pledged to serve.

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