Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm sure it was all in the pursuit of truth!

From the American Spectator:

The American Spectator is under the watchful eye of the Obama Administration! Since January 1, 2013, federal government has been on the website 81,164 times, with the IRS, Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security leading the way.

It's true The American Spectator has seen the likes of Barack Obama before. Arrogant, unfailingly sure of his own righteousness, and willing to do anything to hold on to the reins of power—even going so far as to encourage and oversee the harassment of his administration’s critics, as we’ve seen in the recent revelations about the IRS targeting conservative groups. The American Spectator has been on the receiving end of this type of harassment before, with a year-long investigation from Clinton's Justice Department.

The lesson was this: When you face a bully, you can’t back down. We didn't back down when confronting corruption in the Clinton administration, and conservatives mustn't back down in confronting Obama's IRS, phone tapping, and Benghazi scandals.

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